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Nou Taller/ New Studio

Nou estudi, per fi, a la nau Lefreak, ja plenament instal.lat. S´invita a cafè als visitants!!
New Studio at last. Free coffee for random visitors!!


Hotel boredom

Estaba solo en el hotel y había este libretito en la mesita de noche... no había nadie en ninguna foto!!! Tuve que sacar la tinta china... quin remei.

Was so bored in the hotel, there was this little book there, full of photos with noone there... so i had to take out my brush and ink...

Vendido! Sold!!

Sold that beauty today!!!
big guy, 150 x 125 cm, was on the last Iguapop touring exhibition.
Finally master Robert Grima, one of my favorite collectors, i say proudly, said it was for him. Well done!
So i´m happy to begin this 2007 like that!!

Este anda por los 150x125. Grandegrande, para mí.
Está extraído de una serie que estoy cocinando pintada sobre carteles de parada de bus (este de colonia armani)..