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The corruptions and violence in Rai Escalé’s dark paintings may be personal, but also come from the collective subconscious shared by each human being. His horrific art alternates between shocking and disturbing, but remains deeply insightful and may stimulate the journey of self-discovery of the viewer. The hidden meanings behind Escalé’s images aren't necessarily learned, but may stem from the unconscious. Making statements on the freakishness of consumerism and beauty culture, Rai Escalé has managed to pursue the nature of phantasmagorical human alternations, and evoke some of the discomfort one has when facing others. You could say, his obtrusive work has undone and decoded the ferocity of Bacon.
Stephanie Anderson
1 comentari:
¡Otia! no vayas a ofenderte pero....
a mi este personaje me recuerda al Presi...
al poliglota de Ansar, me lo recuerda por el peinaíco y por el ojo y la ceja derecha, que aunque no lleve bigotico, le tiene un aire, ¿tu que dices?...¿te lo imaginas como lo veo yo?...por supuesto este no ha debido de ser tu proposito, y por esto te pido disculpas, por esta inombrable comparación....
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