
Lamono digital

Las amigas de Lamono que continúan con su campaña enciclopédica me añadieron a su galería digital de amigos y colaboradores, bien.
Lamono digital, on-line edition of OUR magazine, gets bigger, and includes me in the permanent galleries of artists, friends and collaborators section, yepa.


Miami Expo @ Artformz (III)

Miami Expo @ Artformz (II)

Estos son algunos de los que estaran en la expo en Artformz que inauguramos el proximo sabado.
Those are some of the paint-collages that will be shown at Artformz since next saturday opening.


After a two-month review of artist's submissions the acclaimed Miami collective, Artformz Alternative announces the addition of new artists to the group and presents an exhibit featuring their work.

Wynwood Art District 2nd Saturday Gallery Walk
Saturday May 9, 2009
Opening Reception: 7:00pm - 10:00pm

Show dates: May 9 - June 8, 2009

Artformz, Wynwood Arts District
171 NW 23rd Street
Miami, FL 33127


Miami Death of an Artist

La muertes bella y tristejamás vista en diferido, que no contada ni filmada, ha sido la de esta cucaracha dorada miamense, que en su afan por disfrazarse de Spiderman y por fin ser supercucaracha, retozó en óleo hasta morir embadurnada de magenta y cian. Cumplido su deseo, pero sin una tela de araña a la que asirse, pues al fin y al cabo seguia siendo cucaracha, no pudo salvar al mundo, ni a si misma para empezar.
(Preciosas fotos de Ben Grasso, compañero de residencia, amigo y tremendo pintor)

The most beautiful and sad death ever recorded was of this Miami cockroach, who wanted to be Spiderman, and ended drowning in cyan and magenta oil paint, without finding the way to start saving the world... nor itself... (pictures by fellow resident friend and painter from Brooklyn, Ben Grasso)


The Mikesell Family Portraits

Esta es la familia Mikesell, los promotores de The Fountainhead Residency y sus hijos. Mi aportacion a su coleccion son estos retratos, individuales pero agrupables. Estan llenos de pequeños chistes visuales y verbales sobre sus personalidades, y algunos bien privados...
This is the Mikesell family, the promoters of the Fountainhead Residency Dan and Kathryn, and their sons Skye and Galt. After meeting them and living nearly among them for a month, I choosed to make them those individual but group matching portraits as my contribution to their collection. I filled them with details to describe symbolically their personalities... and had much fun facing this commission.