Vem estar jugant amb una de les icones que el Milos havia estat veient. Vaig proposar-ho jo sabent la sossada de quadro que és. Però tot i així. La veritat és que m'imaginava que aniríem per una altra banda, però és la gràcia de Miroir Noir, suposo :))) Encara fotos marranotes del mòvil, però per fer-se'n la idea...
After more than six months of being apart, Miroir Noir reunited during a few days in March in the Bratislava studio.
It was weird after so long no meeting. And after having closed the MRB project and the exhibition (that will be showing again next February in Martin (SK) City Gallery.
As a random playing theme, and after Milos's visits to Orsay we chose Manet's Olympia to play a little as a warming exercise. It took us the whole week this warming state. We still got the raw mobile pictures we took in the studio, but meh, just to get the idea thay work enough..